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Open its course - Android Development

Android Activities

  • Life cycle of Activity
  • Activity View...
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    Topic Summary

    • Life cycle of Activity
    • Activity View manipulation
    • Synchronizing View with Activities
    • Customizing Activities
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Open its course - Android Development

Multiple Choice Questions for Android Activities

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  • 1 If android kills your application due to low memory on device, then onDestroy() lifecycle event ________ called.
    1. is always
    2. may not be called
    3. can be
    4. none

  • 2 ________ is called when the activity becomes visible to the user.
    1. onResumed()
    2. onCreate()

  • 3 The android system invokes ______ callback, if the user completely dismissing the activity or due to finish() being called on the activity.
    1. onStop
    2. onDestroy
    3. onPause
    4. onResume

  • 4 Which life cycle callback event should ensure that all of an activity’s resources are released when the activity is destroyed.
    1. onResume()
    2. onStop()
    3. onDestroy()
    4. onRestart()

  • 5 The system invokes _____() callback event just before the activity starts interacting with the user.
    1. onResume
    2. onPause
    3. onStart
    4. onCreate

  • 6 Which life cycle callback implementation should initialize the essential components of your activity?
    1. onCreate()
    2. onStart()
    3. onRestart()
    4. onPause()

  • 7 Activities that you don't want to make available to other applications should ________ intent filters, and you can start them yourself using explicit intents.
    1. have no
    2. have
    3. both a & b
    4. None

  • 8 Which of the following provide the ability to launch an activity based not only on an explicit request, but also an implicit one in the manifest file.
    1. intent
    2. intent-filter
    3. filter
    4. None

  • 9 To declare activity in android app manifest file which of the following is a mandatory attribute for activity tag.
    1. android:title
    2. android:name
    3. android:label
    4. android:icon

  • 10 In programming paradigms apps are launched with a main() method, while the Android system initiates apps by invoking specific callback methods of the ________ instance.
    1. Activity
    2. onCreate
    3. Fragment
    4. Any Java Class

  • 11 Which callback method is called before the activity is destroyed by the system.
    1. onDestroy
    2. onRestart
    3. onResume
    4. None

  • 12 Which callback method is called when the activity is no longer visible.
    1. onPause()
    2. onStop()
    3. onDestroy
    4. onRestart

  • 13 If an Activity is onPause() and then activity is no longer visible, then it goes to which life cycle method.
    1. onCreate()
    2. OnRestart()
    3. OnStop()
    4. onDestroy()

  • 14 If an Activity is onStop() and the user returns to the activity then it goes to the life cycle method ______.
    1. OnStart()
    2. OnResume()
    3. OnStop()
    4. OnRestart()

  • 15 Which of the following is not the Activity life cycle method?
    1. onCreate
    2. onPause
    3. OnStop
    4. OnInitiate

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