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Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

  • Introduction to Logical Architecture
  • Relationship to UP Artifacts
  • Package Diagrams - Example
  • Logical Architecture and Layers
  • What is Software Architecture?
  • Logical Architecture via UML Package Diagram
  • Design with...
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    Topic Summary

    • Introduction to Logical Architecture
    • Relationship to UP Artifacts
    • Package Diagrams - Example
    • Logical Architecture and Layers
    • What is Software Architecture?
    • Logical Architecture via UML Package Diagram
    • Design with Layers
    • Problems address by Layer Architecture
    • Benefits of Layer Architecture
    • Domain Layer Vs. Application Logic Layer
    • Relationship Between Domain Layer and Domain Model
    • Layers and Partitions
    • Guidelines
    • SSDs, System Operations and Layers

    Topic CLO's

    Click on any CLO below to enable/disable it against the topic.

    CLO-6 Explain basic concepts of object-oriented software engineering using UML.

    Explain basic concepts of object-oriented software engineering using UML.
    CLO-7 Develop OOSE design for problems based on real-world scenarios.

    Develop OOSE design for problems based on real-world scenarios.
    CLO-8 Explain the fundamentals of software project management and software life cycle methodologies.

    Explain the fundamentals of software project management and software life cycle methodologies.
    CLO-9 Develop a “real world” software system prototype using Object Oriented Software Engineering.

    Develop a “real world” software system prototype using Object Oriented Software Engineering.
Topic Questions:
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Multiple Choice Questions for Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

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  • 1 Lower layers in layered architecture contain _____ functions.
    1. Reusable
    2. Usable
    3. both a & b
    4. none of above

  • 2 Which of the following cannot generate system events?
    1. Actors
    2. Timer Events
    3. Faults and Exceptions
    4. None

  • 3 In domain model, If A is a line item of transaction B (e.g. Sales line item – Sale). It’s a categorization approach to find which one of the following:
    1. Attributes
    2. Associations
    3. Concepts
    4. Category

  • 4 If a layer only calls upon the services of the layer directly below it then it is:
    1. Mixed layered architecture
    2. Relaxed layered architecture
    3. Strict layered architecture
    4. None

  • 5 The large-scale organization of the software classes into packages (or namespaces), subsystems, and layers is:
    1. Sequence Diagram
    2. Logical Architecture
    3. Analysis Model
    4. Partition

  • 6 If packages in the top layer directly depends only on the packages below its layer then it will be which style of layered architecture?
    1. strict architecture
    2. relaxed architecture
    3. open architecture
    4. None

  • 7 If a package have no nested packages then its name will be written on:
    1. Top-Left small box
    2. Main Box
    3. Below It
    4. Above It

  • 8 Which of the following UML artifact represents the logical architecture?
    1. Domain Model
    2. System Sequnce Diagram
    3. Package Diagram
    4. Class Diagram

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