In the lab we learn the following concepts used in SELECT Query of SQL.
Distinct keyword before the column(s) eliminate duplicate values and return only different values.
Task: On DreamHome database run the following queries:
Select city from Branch;
Select distinct(city) from Branch
The first query returns duplicate city, while the second one returns only a distinct set of values.
Provides a way to give a different name to a table, column or a derived column in the results. Note that name are only applicable for results, they do not affect the metadata of the tables.
Task: On DreamHome database run the following queries:
Select city from Branch;
Select city As MyCity from Branch;
Select staffNo as ID, fName as FirstName, lName as [Last Name], position as Position, sex as Gender, DOB as [Date of Birth], salaray as Income from Staff;
Select (fName +' '+lName) as [Name], position as Position from Staff;
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Filtering of Data based on single and compound conditions You can select data of your choice from all rows of a table by specifying a condition using a Where clause in the SELECT Command.
The five basic search conditions:
In SQL, the following simple comparison operators are available:
More complex predicates can be generated using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT, with parentheses (if needed or desired) to show the order of evaluation.
The rules for evaluating a conditional expression are:
Task: On DreamHome database run the following queries and note your results. More queries will be asked in the class and you will provide the solutions:
SELECT staffNo, fName, lName, position, salary FROM Staff WHERE salary >10000;
SELECT * FROM Branch WHERE city ='London' OR city='Glasgow';
SELECT staffNo, fName, lName, position, salary FROM Staff
WHERE salary BETWEEN 20000 AND 30000;
SELECT staffNo, fName, lName, position, salary FROM Staff
WHERE salary >= 20000 AND salary <=30000;
SELECT staffNo, fName, lName, position FROM Staff WHERE position IN (‘Manager’, ‘Supervisor’);
SELECT staffNo, fName, lName, position FROM Staff WHERE position =‘Manager’ OR position =‘Supervisor’;
SQL has two special pattern-matching symbols:
Find all owners with the string "Glasgow" in their address.
SELECT ownerNo, fName, lName, address, telNo FROM PrivateOwner WHERE address LIKE ‘%Glasgow%’;
List the details of all viewings on property PG4 where a comment has not been sup-plied.
SELECT clientNo, viewDate FROM Viewing WHERE propertyNo = ’PG4’ AND comment IS NULL
You can read data from multiple tables by separating table name by a comma ",". Note that if you do not specify a condition then results will be a cross multiplication of tables and may results into invalid rows. Therefore, to generate meaningful information we should have some condition among the tables.
Task: On DreamHome database run the following queries:
Select * from Branch,Staff;
Select * from Branch,Staff Where Branch.banchNo = Staff.branchNo;
Select * from Branch as b,Staff as s Where b.banchNo = s.branchNo;
Select * from Branch as b,Staff as s,PropertyForRent as pfr
Where b.banchNo = Staff.branchNo
And b.banchNo = pfr.branchNo;
Select * from Branch as b,Staff as s, PropertyForRent as pfr
Where b.banchNo = Staff.branchNo
And b.banchNo = pfr.branchNo
And s.staffNo = pfr.staffNo;
ORDER BY is used with SELECT Query to sort the results in ascending or descending order.
Task: On DreamHome database run the following queries:
Select city from Branch order by city;
Select distinct(city) from Branch order by city desc;
To earn PASS status, system is about to evaluate you using multiple choice questions (MCQs) and True/False type questions.
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