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Explore Features

Following are few of the features, which you can avail via this platform. To explore in details you will have to use this platform as a parent, student, teacher, principle, head of course, head of department and head of teaching/training organization.

Learn Interactively


  • Because its repeatable until understood 
  • Provides auto intelligent communication 
  • Enforce learning on audience 
  • Records experiences for target outcomes
  • Avoids repeated teachings and trainings

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Collaborative Learning

In teaching and training domains, We use different methodologies but the teaching effectiveness is realized when we let the learners try out some exercises, assignments and activities. Some do it quickly and others stuck on it. Collaborative learning will ensure the learners help each other in such a manner to spread understanding in lesser time. With collaborative learning in the class you can:
  • Automate lab tasks and their progress
  • Auto mark assignment and spread its outcome within learners
  • Individual and collective progress monitoring
 These can be realized when you enroll as teacher and enforce collaborative learning in this platform.

Learning Improvements

When you learn anything in a group and want to compare your understanding with that group, the most common approach is to evaluate you via exams, activities or exercise outcomes measurements. but without a digitized solution its almost impossible to measure every member's understanding. Within this platform you will be able to:

Pinpoint weknesses after exams

visualization is coming soon

Measure overall strength and weknesses of the group understanding

visualization is coming soon

Homework Tracking

visualization is coming soon

Auto Assessment

This module helps to take exam when teacher wants to enforce it on the class. System will:
  1. Auto generate an exam for the student when he is ready.
  2. Time bound and random questions are asked by the system.
  3. At the end result is shown to the user.
  4. Individual and class progress became visible automatically to parents, students and teachers. 

Customizable Exams Generation

Preparing exams, conduting them, checking it for every student and then communicating results in systematic way is a complex and time consuming job. We have a vision that a teacher should be able to generate exam in less than 30 seconds OR generate it with his will as per the difficulty levels and customized selection of questions from the pool. Therefore we support:

Exam Wizards

This wizard help the teacher to specify exam criteria and then genarate exam with a preview and customizable timings and marks for each questions in LESS THAN 30 seconds.

This is specially helpful when you want to take exam in lab without formal exam preparations.

Exam Card

You can pick questions from any course and any topic and simply add them to your exam cart. Checkout the card with exam customizable criteria and you are ready to take the exam.

Outcomes Analytics

True quality of educaiton can only be measured with real time statistics. To take timely and long term effective decision for improving educaiton we help individuals and group in following manners:

Auto Assessment Analystics

Students can view their position in the class for interactive, self and exams analytics. Parent can monitor and take timely measures to focus on the educaiton improvements of their kids. Training and Teaching organizaiton can uplift their education queality by their real time monitoring on interactive, collaborative and exams outcomes.

Measure Exam Outcomes

After the conduction of every exam, Students are able view and poinpoint their weak topics, while teacher can view the overall class weak topics and then improve the ones which need improvements.

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