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Open its course - HTML

Introduction to HTML

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Basics of HTML
Topic Questions:
10 8 5 5
Question Type Legends



Open its course - HTML

Multiple Choice Questions for Introduction to HTML

  • 1 Which of the following are used to provide additional information about HTML elements.
    1. Start Tag and End Tags
    2. Attributes
    3. Contents within tags
    4. None

  • 2 Which of the following defines the most important heading than other headings?
    1. h6
    2. h4
    3. h2
    4. h1

  • 3 Which of the following is a standard markup language for creating Web pages.
    1. HTML
    2. XML
    3. UML
    4. XSTL

  • 4 The heading element starts with letter _____ followed by 1 up to 6 number.
    1. b
    2. a
    3. h
    4. c

  • 5 The <_____> element is the root element of an HTML page
    1. header
    2. body
    3. html
    4. div

  • 6 HTML elements are represented by:
    1. tags
    2. words
    3. keywords
    4. metadata

  • 7 The visible page contents are described by which one?
    1. html
    2. body
    3. DOCTYPE
    4. head

  • 8 Which of the following provides information about the document
    1. html
    2. head
    3. DOCTYPE
    4. body

  • 9 Which of the following describes an HTML
    1. html
    2. body
    3. DOCTYPE
    4. None

  • 10 Which of the following defines the document type to be HTML.
    1. html
    2. head
    3. body
    4. DOCTYPE

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