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Open its course - Software Construction

Collaborating Construction

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Open its course - Software Construction

Multiple Choice Questions for Collaborating Construction

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  • 1 The combination of design and code inspections usually removes _______ or more of the defects in a product.
    1. 70–85%
    2. 50–70%
    3. 80%
    4. 70%

  • 2 The primary purpose of collaborative construction is to improve_________.
    1. Software code
    2. Software design
    3. software quality
    4. None

  • 3 In Collaborative construction the impact of someone leaving the project is ________ because multiple people are familiar with each section of code.
    1. Greatest
    2. Lessened
    3. Negotiable
    4. None

  • 4 One key characteristic of the _________ is that each person involved has distinct role to play.
    1. testing
    2. debugging
    3. inspection
    4. development

  • 5 The point of the inspection itself is to discover defects in _________.
    1. Sub-system
    2. Design
    3. Code
    4. A and b
    5. B and c

  • 6 The purpose of a dog-and-pony show is to demonstrate to the customer that the project is _______, so it’s a management review rather than a technical review.
    1. Meet Requirement
    2. OK
    3. Large
    4. Costly

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