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Open its course - Design Patterns
Introduction By Subject Expert Admin


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Subject Expert Admin
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  1. Students are auto-evaluated against related topics to ensure they learned it.

This lecture focus on the over all course theme, scope, and reference materials along with the introduction to design patterns.


  • Course Theme 
  • Evaluation Criteria 
  • Books 
  • Course Objectives 
  • Designing Patterns 
    • Definitions 
    • Motivation 
    • Pros & Cons 
    • Template 
    • Classifications 
  • OOPs Revision 
  • Reference Materials

Lecture Slides for All, By Mukhtiar Zamin

Using GitHub Desktop in Lab for All, By Mukhtiar Zamin

If you are a student in university and using lab machine for your lab work. Then you need to follow the following steps to use GitHub for your lab work: 

  1. Download “GitHub Desktop” by going to GitHub Desktop website and then click on Download button. 
  2. Move the downloaded exe from Download folder into your student drive that permanently keep your files for example Z drive in COMSATS university. 
  3. Double-Click this exe file to install it. Wait for some time until it asks you to sign in. 
  4. Click on Sign In button which will open a browser and you need to login into your GitHub account. 
  5. After successful login it may ask you to allow GitHub Desktop. Allow and proceed. 
  6. Now Clone your repository into your student drive. 
  7. Keep on working in separate folder in this repository for every lab and at the end commit your changes to your repository. 
  8. If you follow the subexpert.com lab tasks then submit yours and review for others.

Lab 1 for All, By Mukhtiar Zamin

OOPs Concepts Utilization

Carefully read the following articles and then implement the coding examples. 
  1. 7 OOP Concepts in Java with examples along with dependency among objects
  2. Understand the last section in the article Best Practices for OOP Concepts in Java.
  3. 10 Object-Oriented (OOP) Design Principles Java Programmers Should Know

Lab 2 for All, By Mukhtiar Zamin

Find answers and implementation to the following questions: 

  1. Overloading of the main method is possible or not? 
  2. What is returned by the constructor, and how you can identify it from its declaration?
  3. Can we create a program without main method? How many main methods are allowed in Java Programs? 
  4. What are the six ways to use this keyword? 
  5. Prove that multiple inheritance is not supported in Java? 
  6. When to use aggregation and not composition and vice versa? 
  7. How to override the static method? 
  8. Give any real world example of using the covariant return type
  9. Discuss different usages of Java super keyword? 
  10. What is instance initializer block and why we use it? 
  11. What are the different usages of final variable? 
  12. What is a marker or tagged interface? 
  13. What is runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch? 
  14. What is the difference between static and dynamic binding? 
  15. How down-casting is possible in Java? 
  16. What is the purpose of a private constructor? 
  17. What is object cloning?
  18. Differentiate shallow copy from deep copy and implement each with an example. 
  19. In your class context find the implementation of OOPs concepts.

Lecture Slides for All, By Mukhtiar Zamin


Introduction Evaluation

To earn PASS status, system is about to evaluate you using multiple choice questions (MCQs) and True/False type questions.

  • Make sure you have learned this lecture along with its topics and tutorials.
  • On first evaluation you get 100% marks on correct answer, then on 2nd you get 95% marks and so on.
  • Answer the questions with a gap NOT MORE THAN A MINUTE, Otherwise it will re-start.

I have read above instrucitons and ready for evaluation.
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