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Multiple Choice Questions for Relational Model

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  • 1 Which of these terminology define the number of attributes in a relation?
    1. row
    2. Cardinality
    3. Degree
    4. Tuple

  • 2 When an attribute appears in more than one relation its called:
    1. Primary Key
    2. Alternate Keys
    3. Foreign Key
    4. all of them

  • 3 When a key consists of more than one attribute is called:
    1. Candidate Key
    2. Composite key
    3. Super Key
    4. non of them

  • 4 An attribute, or set of attributes, that uniquely identifies a tuple within a relation.
    1. Super Key
    2. Composite Key
    3. Both
    4. non of above

  • 5 Entity Relationship model consists of collection of basic objects called _____ and relationship among these objects.
    1. entities
    2. models
    3. functions
    4. none of these

  • 6 Data Models in DBMS are classified into _____ categories.
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 2
    4. 4

  • 7 An ___________ is a distinct object (a person, place, thing, concept, or event) in the organization that is to be represented in the database.
    1. entity
    2. attribute
    3. both
    4. non of above

  • 8 14. Primary key can be a _________ primary key if consist of more than one attribute.
    1. foreign
    2. composite
    3. alternate

  • 9 A relational database developer refer to a record as
    1. A criteria.
    2. A relation.
    3. A tuple.
    4. An attribute.

  • 10 The number of rows in a table is called its
    1. Degree
    2. Cardinality
    3. Relation
    4. None

  • 11 The key that consist of more than one attributes
    1. candidate key
    2. compositet key
    3. primary key
    4. super key

  • 12 Each cell of a relation can contain _______ value(s).
    1. exactly one
    2. many
    3. duplicate

  • 13 Which of the following restrictions forms restrictions on the set of values allowed for the attributes of relations :
    1. Integrity rules
    2. General constraints
    3. Multiplicity constraints
    4. Domain constraints

  • 14 The number of tuples in a relation is :
    1. Degree
    2. Tuple
    3. Cardinality
    4. None of the above

  • 15 In relational model terminology, table is considered as
    1. Range
    2. Domain
    3. Relation
    4. Touple

  • 16 In formal relational model, set of allowed values for an attribute is called its ________.
    1. Range
    2. Domain
    3. Relation
    4. Touple

  • 17 A key has uniqueness and irreducibility but is NOT selected to be a primary key is ______ key.
    1. Foreign
    2. Alternate
    3. Super
    4. Primary

  • 18 There can be _____ name(s) for a relation in a database relational model.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. None

  • 19 An attribute, or set of attributes, that uniquely identifies a tuple within a relation and can be further reduced is
    1. composite key
    2. super key
    3. alternate keys
    4. primary key

  • 20 A relational database consists of a collection of tables, each table is assigned with a _______ name.
    1. Unique
    2. Duplicate
    3. Foreign
    4. More than one name

  • 21 To make data from a relational database available to users, we have to address several issues. The most important issue is how users specify requests for
    1. Retrieving and updating data
    2. Data security
    3. Data redundancy
    4. Data duplication

  • 22 If candidate having two attributes A &B as composite candidate key, what is right from following options for this composite candidate key?
    1. Attribute A must have unique values, but attribute B may not have unique values
    2. Attribute B must have unique values, but attribute A may not have unique values
    3. Attribute A must have unique values as well as attribute B must have unique values
    4. Attribute A and attribute B collectively must have unique values

  • 23 Which one of the following is NOT a property of a Relation/Table:
    1. Each Relation/table name is distinct in relational schema
    2. Each cell of relation/table contains exactly one atomic (single) value
    3. There can be duplicate tuples/rows in a relation/table
    4. Each attribute has a distinct name

  • 24 What is right for the entity integrity?
    1. It is not necessary that every relation has a primary key
    2. The attribute of primary key must have non-null values
    3. Sometimes the values in primary key may be repeated
    4. All of above options are right

  • 25 In referential integrity constraint, the foreign key value is allowed to be null if:
    1. Value is known
    2. Relationship is mandatory
    3. Relationship is optional
    4. Non of above

  • 26 There is a relation Student (stID, sName, city), where city and sName attributes may have repeated values, but stID cannot have repeated values, then which one of the following can be a candidate key in the relation:
    1. city attribute
    2. stID attribute
    3. sName attribute
    4. None of above

  • 27 A key that consists of two or more attributes is known as:
    1. Primary Key
    2. Composite Key
    3. Unique Key
    4. None of above

  • 28 Which of the following contains entities and is a group of objects with the same properties identified by the enterprise as having an independent existence?
    1. Relationship Type
    2. Entity Type
    3. Database Management System
    4. Database

  • 29 Which type of the following constraint will stop you from inserting a non-numeric value in a field within a numeric attributes?
    1. Domain
    2. Entity
    3. General
    4. Multipliciy

  • 30 Which of the following statements are true for foreign key:
    1. Always unique
    2. Never unique
    3. May be unique
    4. None

  • 31 An attribute, or set of attributes, selected for unique identification of tuple within a relation is called:
    1. Security Key
    2. Foreign Key
    3. Primary Key
    4. Relational Key

  • 32 The set of allowable values for an attribute is called:
    1. Domain
    2. DBMS
    3. Relation
    4. Data Set

  • 33 An attribute is a named column (also called property) of a:
    1. Database
    2. DBMS
    3. Relation
    4. Application

  • 34 Which of the following key CANNOT BE NULL?
    1. Alternate
    2. Primary
    3. Foreign
    4. All

  • 35 Which terminology define the number of attributes in a relation?
    1. Tuple
    2. Cardinality
    3. Degree
    4. Row

  • 36 A Gerund is actually a:
    1. Many-to-Many Relationship
    2. Many-to-One Relationship
    3. One-to-Many Relationship
    4. Always a recursive Relationship

  • 37 An attribute that can be further divided into sub attributes is called:
    1. Composite attribute
    2. Combined attribute
    3. Collective attribute
    4. Single Attribute

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