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Multiple Choice Questions for Interaction Diagrams

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  • 1 The ______ allows only one instance of a class. It is not possible to create more than one instances.
    1. Singleton Pattern
    2. None
    3. Observer PAttern
    4. no idea

  • 2 In sequence diagram each new object is added to the
    1. left
    2. rigth
    3. bottom
    4. all of above

  • 3 Sequence diagrams consume _____ space.
    1. horizontal
    2. vertical
    3. both a and b
    4. none

  • 4 UML has which diagram that captures the dynamic modeling while designing an operation contract?
    1. Domain Model
    2. Operation Contracts
    3. Communication Diagram
    4. Package Diagram

  • 5 Critical region of code within which only one thread can run is shown in sequence diagrams by:
    1. alt
    2. region
    3. opt
    4. loop

  • 6 Which of the following is a drawback of communication diagrams?
    1. In-efficient use of space
    2. Fewer notation options
    3. Rich notation options
    4. Consumes horizontal spance

  • 7 In design model which type of artifact in the following clearly shows sequence or time ordering of messages between objects?
    1. Communication Diagrams
    2. Sequence Diagrams
    3. System Sequence Diagrams
    4. Interaction Diagrams

  • 8 Which one is basic message expression syntax in sequence diagram
    1. return = message(ParameterType: param1,ParameterType: param2,…) : returnType
    2. return = message(param1:ParameterType, param2:ParameterType,…) : returnType
    3. returnType = message(param1:ParameterType, param2:ParameterType,…) : return
    4. return = message(param1:ParameterType, param2:ParameterType,…)

  • 9 What is used in the following for dynamic object modeling:
    1. Interaction Diagrams
    2. Domain Model
    3. Class Diagram
    4. System Sequence Diagrams

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