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Short Questions for Inception Phase and Requirements in UP

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  • 1 What are the phases of Unified Process, Briefly describe each one?

    UP project organizes the work and iterations across four major phases:

    1. Inception: Approximate vision, business case, scope, vague estimates.
    2. Elaboration: Refined vision, iterative implementation of the core architecture, resolution of high risks, identification of most requirements and scope, more realistic estimates.
    3. Construction: Iterative implementation of the remaining lower risk and easier elements, and preparation for deployment.
    4. Transition: Beta tests, deployment.

  • 2 What is FURPS+?


    • Functional: Features, Capabilities, security
    • Usability: human factors, help, documentation
    • Reliability: Frequency of failures, recoverability, predictability
    • Performance: Response time, throughput, accuracy, availability, resource usage
    • Supportability: Adaptability, maintainability, internationalization, configurability
    • The “+” indicate sub-factors such as:
      • Implementation: Resource limitation, language and tools, hardware
      • Interface: constraints imposed by external systems
      • Operations: system management and its operational settings
      • Packaging: Physical box, CD Setup etc
      • Legal: Licensing and so forth

  • 3 What is an itration?

    An iteration is a set period of time within a project in which you produce a stable, executable version of the product, together with any other supporting documentation.Each iteration builds upon the results of previous iteration, and will produce a product increment one step closer to the final product. Iterations are timeboxed, meaning the schedule for an iteration should be regarded as fixed, and the scope of the iteration's content actively managed to meet that schedule.

  • 4

    Define Inception - Duration?


    There are some important points

    • Should be very brief
    • Not more than a week
    • Should include planning for iteration-1 only
    • Move quickly to elaboration iff

    1. It is feasible.
    2. Worth serious investigation in elaboration phase.
    3. Finalized that the project will be definitely done.

  • 5 What model Unified process suggest to categorize software requirements?

    Unified Process uses FURPS+ model

    • Functional: Features, Capabilities, security
    • Usability: human factors, help, documentation
    • Reliability: Frequency of failures, recoverability, predictability
    • Performance: Response time, throughput, accuracy, availability, resource usage
    • Supportability: Adaptability, maintainability, internationalization, configurability
    • The “+” indicate sub-factors such as:
      • Implementation: Resource limitation, language and tools, hardware
      • Interface: constraints imposed by external systems
      • Operations: system management and its operational settings
      • Packaging: Physical box, CD Setup etc
      • Legal: Licensing and so forth

  • 6 List some requirements elicitation techniques that UP suggest.


    • Writing use cases with customers
    • Requirements workshop
    • Focus group with proxy customer
    • Demo of each iteration for feedback
    • UP Embrace any good techniques e.g. XP “story card”

  • 7 Define Requirements?

    Requirements are capabilities and conditions to which the system must confirm.

    According to Rational Unified Process, Requirements Management is a systematic approach to finding, documenting, organizing and tracking the changing requirements of a system.

  • 8 What ensures that you don't understand inception phase?

    If any of the following is true then inception phase is not understood:

    • Its duration is more than “a few” week long
    • Define most of the requirements.
    • Estimates or plans are expected to be reliable.
    • Defining the software architecture.
    • Believe that the proper sequence of work is requirements then design the architecture and then implementation.
    • No business case or vision artifact.
    • Use cases were written in detail.
    • None of the use cases were written in detail,10-20% should be written in detail.

  • 9 What should be the duration of inception phase? When should we move to elaboration phase.


    Inception phase should be very brief. Its duration should not be more than one week. Move quickly to elaboration iff:

    • It is feasible
    • Worth serious investigation in elaboration phase
    • Finalized that the project will be definitely done

  • 10 What is inception phase?

    Its the first phase of Unified Process in which common vision and basic scope of the project is established. It mainly includes:

    • 10% Use cases
    • Analysis of non-functional requirements
    • Creation of business cases
    • Development environment preparation
    • Feasibility is determined.
    • Buy or Build decision are made.
    • Rough cost range is estimated and
    • A final decision to proceed or stop is made.

  • 11 List some artifacts of Inception phase.


    1. Vision and Business Case
      • High level goals and constraints, business cases, and executive summary
    2. Use Case Model
      • Describe Functional Requirements
      • 10% will be analyzed in details
    3. Glossary
      • Key domain terminologies and data dictionary
    4. Risk List and Risk Management Plan
      • Related to Business, Technical, Resource, Schedule
    5. Prototype and Proof of Concepts
    6. Iteration Plan
      • Only for first elaboration phase
    7. Phase Plan and Software Development Plan
      • With low precision in duration and efforts estimation
    8. Development Case
      • Customized UP steps and artifacts for this project

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