True/False Questions for Android Background Processing
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If your job does not need to run at a precise time, WorkManager is a better option. TrueView Answer
For user-initiated work that need to run immediately and must execute to completion, use a foreground service. TrueView Answer
WorkManager supports running jobs as a foreground service, which is ideal when you need to do work that shouldn't be interrupted. TrueView Answer
In Doze mode, the system ignores wake locks. TrueView Answer
In Doze mode, network access is suspended. TrueView Answer
The speed and efficiency of a long-running, data-intensive operation improves when you split it into multiple threads in Android app. TrueView Answer
Too much work has no effect on the performance of the app and has no effect on user experience. FalseView Answer
As soon as the user wakes the device by moving it, turning on the screen, or connecting a charger, the system exits Standby mode and all apps return to normal activity. FalseView Answer
App standby puts unused applications into a special state that restricts their network access, jobs, and syncs. TrueView Answer