Measurement, Length, Mass, Capacity
By Subject Expert Admin Summary
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Subject Expert Admin
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Students are auto-evaluated against related topics to ensure they learned it.
Learning Objectives
Use standard metric units of length (kilometer, meter and centimeter) indluding abbreviations
Use standard measures of length in same units without carrying.
otions involving same units of length for addition without carmying
solve real
sove real life situations involving same uni
subtract asures of length in san units without borrowing.
of length for subtraction without borrowing
add measures of mass in same units without carrying.
e standard metric units of mass (kilogram and gram) including abbreviations.
hre real life situations involving same unitS of mas for addition without carrinn
subtract measures of mass in same units without borrowing,
Solve real life situations involving same units of mass for subtraction without borrowina.
Use standard metric units of capacity (liter and milliliter) including abbreviations.
add measures of capacity in same units without carrying.
solve real life situations involving same units of capacity for addition without carrying.
Subtract measures of capacity in same units without borrowing.
SOve real life situations involving same units of capacity for subtraction without borrowing9
Measurement, Length, Mass, Capacity Evaluation
To earn PASS status, system is about to evaluate you using multiple choice questions (MCQs) and True/False type questions.
Make sure you have learned this lecture along with its topics and tutorials.
On first evaluation you get 100% marks on correct answer, then on 2nd you get 95% marks and so on.
Answer the questions with a gap NOT MORE THAN A MINUTE, Otherwise it will re-start.
I have read above instrucitons and ready for evaluation.
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Subject Expert Admin
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