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Presentations of Subject Expert By Subject Expert Admin


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Subject Expert Admin
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  1. Students are auto-evaluated against related topics to ensure they learned it.

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You can watch the presentation about subject expert to the following stackholders:

  1. Visitor
  2. Student
  3. Parent/Guardian
  4. Teacher
  5. Subject Teacher (Domain Head)
  6. Classes Controller (Principle/Head Master in Schools)
  7. Boards Controllers
  8. HEC

subexpert Marketing Contents for All, By Subject Expert Admin


A green education delivery platform that minimizes teaching efforts, uplifts education quality, and leverages new trends of interactive, activity-based learning for the mutual benefits of students, parents, and teaching organizations.

Interactive Learning for All, By Subject Expert Admin

Interactive Learning

Subject expert deliver recorded lecture videos via InVidea that enforces interactive learning. Which is more powerful, because in physical teaching, at a moment:

  1. One question can be asked form the class, while at the same time different question can be asked from every student by the computer.
  2. Only one student can answer the question, while with computer every student can answer at the same time.
  3. Teacher cannot measure the understanding of the question and its answer for all the students of the class, Only interacting student is in focus. while computer can automatically measure the learning of individual student as well as the aggregated learning for the class.
In a single moment - One question in the class can be asked by teacher and only one student can answer it, While computer can ask same/different question from every student of the class Others may not get it and you don't know which student understood it and which don't. In subject expert an embedded sort of application on interactive video will ensure the question is asked from everyone and will show you their learning outcome in quantitative way for individuals and the whole class. 

For example: Watch this video.


Presentations of Subject Expert Evaluation

To earn PASS status, system is about to evaluate you using multiple choice questions (MCQs) and True/False type questions.

  • Make sure you have learned this lecture along with its topics and tutorials.
  • On first evaluation you get 100% marks on correct answer, then on 2nd you get 95% marks and so on.
  • Answer the questions with a gap NOT MORE THAN A MINUTE, Otherwise it will re-start.

I have read above instrucitons and ready for evaluation.
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