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Multiple Choice Questions for Introduction to Software Construction

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  • 1 Optimizing compilers are better at optimizing straight forward code than they are at optimizing ....... code.
    1. Long
    2. simple
    3. tricky
    4. none of these

  • 2 ....... measurement is a key to maximizing performance
    1. Quantitative
    2. Qualitative
    3. Relative
    4. none of these

  • 3 A software _____ is more like a searchlight than a road map.
    1. source code
    2. Testing
    3. metaphor
    4. construction activity

  • 4 which of the following is the only accurate description of the software?
    1. Requirements
    2. Source Code
    3. Design
    4. Testing

  • 5 Which software construction activities have equal importance?
    1. Requirements Development
    2. Corrective Maintenanace
    3. Software Architecture
    4. All of above
    5. Both a & c
    6. Both a & b

  • 6 Which of the following construction activity has the highest priority?
    1. Unit Testing
    2. Integration Testing
    3. Integration
    4. Corrective Maintenance

  • 7 Software construction focus the most on which activity in the following:
    1. Construction Planning
    2. Detailed Design
    3. Coding and Debugging
    4. Unit Testing

  • 8 Translation of the software design into a computer language is called:
    1. Design
    2. Coding
    3. Construction
    4. Debugging

  • 9 In software development life cycle, the main activity about creating software is refer to as:
    1. Analysis
    2. Design
    3. Construction
    4. Testing

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