The Descendant Selector: This selector matches an element type that is a descendant of another specified element (or nested inside another specified element), not just a direct child.
The following selectors were applied on the text of the question:
Universal Selector
*.warning and .warning are equivalent
Type Selectors:
h1 { font-family: sans-serif }
Id Selector:
Child Selector:
td > b {}
The advantages of external style sheet are as follows
(1)It saves you repeating the same style rules in each page.
(2)You can change the appearance of several pages by altering just the style sheet rather than each individual page.
(3)Once a visitor to your site has downloaded the CSS style with the first page of your
site that uses it, subsequent pages will be quicker to load.
(4)Because the web pages do not contain the style rules, different style sheets can be
attached to the same document.