Some True/False questions are not visible. Usually teachers hides their visibility if they are few in number. Subject Expert recommends them to have more than 70+ questions against the topic and make them public.
In programming integer addition and multiplication tend to be faster than floating point. TrueView Answer
One of the most powerful tools in code tuning is to decompose code into good routines. TrueView Answer
The Pareto Principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. TrueView Answer
If you choose the right compiler, you might not need to think about optimizing speed any further. TrueView Answer
Optimizing compilers are better at optimizing tricky code than they are at optimizing straightforward code FalseView Answer
Coding tuning is the practice of modifying the correct code in ways that make it run more efficiently. TrueView Answer
Multiple iterations are usually needed to achieve desired performance improvements through code tuning. FalseView Answer
A program with higher performance is just as important as a correct program. FalseView Answer
Reducing the lines of code in a high-level language improves the speed or size of the resulting machine code. FalseView Answer