True/False Questions for Intro to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
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The selector "p[language|="en"]{
color: white;
background-color: black;
}" will change all paragraphs to black background with white text. FalseView Answer
When you are styling a web page with CSS, you must start to think in terms of boxes. TrueView Answer
To show the text floating from right side to the left side in direction for a paragraph, we have to specify the direction with value rightToLeft. FalseView Answer
Spacing between the letters of a word and spacing between the words of a sentence can be controlled using CSS. TrueView Answer
Case Cade style sheet cannot convert the letters from lower case to upper case. FalseView Answer
The css text property "text-blockquote" is used to shift/indent the text on the right side by its specified value. FalseView Answer
For external style sheets, The file should contain any html tags and file must be saved with a .css extension FalseView Answer
h1+p {} is the example of "Adjacent Sibling Selector". TrueView Answer
The adjacent descendant selector matches an element type that is a descendant of another specified element (or nested inside another specified element), not just a direct child.
FalseView Answer
Universal selector uses a space character like a wildcard and matches all element types in the document. FalseView Answer
HTML was intended to define the content of a document rather than formatting its tags. TrueView Answer
HTML was intended to contain tags for formatting a document.
FalseView Answer
The *asterick selects elements with a specific class attribute FalseView Answer
A CSS declaration always ends with a semicolon, and declaration groups are surrounded by curly braces TrueView Answer
One the most efficient way of inserting CSS is inline styling FalseView Answer