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Open its course - Computer Networks

Data Communication

  • Components, Data representation, Distributed...
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    • Components, Data representation, Distributed Processing
    • Network Criteria, Internet, Brief History
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Open its course - Computer Networks

Multiple Choice Questions for Data Communication

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  • 1 retrieving records from database through queries is an example of ......
    1. Connection oriented services
    2. connection less services
    3. both
    4. none

  • 2 _______ is an example of connection oriented protocol
    1. UDP
    2. IP
    3. TCP
    4. HDLC

  • 3 which of the following protocol works on data link layer
    1. TCP
    2. UDP
    3. IP
    4. HDLC

  • 4 which of the following is not a functionality of the data link layer
    1. error control
    2. flow control
    3. software implementation
    4. routing

  • 5 Asynchronous Transfer mode (ATM) uses frames of
    1. variable frame size
    2. no frames
    3. variable packets size
    4. fixed frame size

  • 6 in forward error correction the errors that are detected are corrected ......
    1. via re-transmission
    2. at sender station
    3. using redundant bits at reciever station
    4. using redundant bits at sender

  • 7 the concept that used to identify the start and the end of the frame called
    1. frame varification
    2. frame repressentation
    3. frame identification
    4. frame varificaiton

  • 8 Error control is a collection of
    1. bit stuffing
    2. byte stuffing
    3. error correction and detection
    4. flow control and error correction

  • 9 Term that refers to a set of procedures used to restrict amount of data that sender can send before waiting for acknowledgement is
    1. delay
    2. byte stuffing
    3. flow control
    4. error control

  • 10 In byte stuffing, a special byte is added to data section of frame when there is a character with same pattern as the
    1. ESC
    2. flag
    3. destination
    4. error

  • 11 Network congestion occurs
    1. in case of traffic overloading
    2. when a system terminates
    3. when connection between two nodes terminates
    4. none of the mentioned

  • 12 Bluetooth is an example of
    1. personal area network
    2. local area network
    3. virtual private network
    4. none of the mentioned

  • 13 Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in
    1. broadcast network
    2. unicast network
    3. multicast network
    4. none of the mentioned

  • 14 Transmission data rate is decided by
    1. network layer
    2. physical layer
    3. data link layer
    4. transport laye

  • 15 Which layer provides the services to user
    1. application layer
    2. session layer
    3. presentation layer
    4. none of the mentioned

  • 16 Which layer is responsible for process to process delivery
    1. network layer
    2. transport layer
    3. session layer
    4. data link layer

  • 17 Wireless transmission can be done via
    1. radio waves
    2. microwaves
    3. infrared
    4. all of the mentioned

  • 18 Bits can be send over guided and unguided media as analog signal by
    1. digital modulation
    2. amplitude modulation
    3. frequency modulation
    4. phase modulation

  • 19 Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network?
    1. coaxial cable
    2. twisted pair cable
    3. optical fiber
    4. electrical cable

  • 20 The physical layer concerns with.....
    1. bit-by-bit delivery
    2. process to process delivery
    3. application to application delivery
    4. none

  • 21 an IPV4 address consists of _________ octets
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 32
    4. 3

  • 22 find the address is
    1. network id
    2. valid host
    3. broadcast
    4. first valid host

  • 23 has a network id of

  • 24 has a subnet mast of

  • 25 TCP/IP model have ______ layers
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 7

  • 26 ICMP stands for
    1. Interconnection protocol
    2. Internet control messaging protocol
    3. internet control management protocol
    4. internet content messaging protocol

  • 27 Datagram of a variable size has two portion
    1. data and address
    2. Data and header
    3. data and destination
    4. data and logical address

  • 28 identify the following address is a .....
    1. valid host
    2. network id
    3. Broadcast
    4. Subnet address

  • 29 MAC address stands for
    1. medium access control
    2. media access control
    3. machine access control
    4. medium access content

  • 30 is belong to __________
    1. class A
    2. Class B
    3. Loop Back
    4. Class C

  • 31 a multicast communication means __________
    1. sending a packet to all hosts
    2. sending a packet to several hosts
    3. sending a packet to one host
    4. none

  • 32 Internet protocol IP works over _______________ layer
    1. network layer
    2. transport layer
    3. physical layer
    4. Data link layer

  • 33 NIC stands for
    1. Network identity card
    2. network interface card
    3. network internet card
    4. none

  • 34 logical address used to communicate ________
    1. inside a lan
    2. between lans
    3. between Wans
    4. non

  • 35 is ___________ address
    1. class C
    2. Classless
    3. Class B
    4. Classfull

  • 36 Switch works on ___________ layer
    1. layer1
    2. layer2
    3. layer3
    4. layer4

  • 37 The maximum length of a UTP cable is
    1. 10 meters
    2. 50 meters
    3. 100 meters
    4. 200 meters

  • 38 two wide area networks connects via router on ___________ layer
    1. data link layer
    2. physical layer
    3. network layer
    4. transport layer

  • 39 the IPv4 address size is
    1. 16 byte
    2. 4 bits
    3. 32 bits
    4. 32 bytes

  • 40 cable tv network is an example of
    1. local area network
    2. wide area network
    3. metropolitan area network
    4. personal area network

  • 41 DHCP stands for.......
    1. Dynamic Host Control Protocol
    2. Dynamic Host Connect Protocol
    3. Dynamic Host Communication Protocol
    4. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

  • 42 Switches make use of ____________ address to send message to destination on the network
    1. Logical Address
    2. Port Address
    3. Specific Address
    4. Physical Address

  • 43 Logical Addressing is used at _____________ Layer
    1. Layer 2
    2. Layer 3
    3. Layer 4
    4. Layer 1

  • 44 Which topology is considered more reliable for designing the physical layout of the network
    1. Ring Topology
    2. Bus Topology
    3. Star Topology
    4. Mesh

  • 45 OSI Model has ___________ Layers, while Internet or TCP/IP Model have __________ Layers
    1. 7 and 5
    2. 4 and 7
    3. 7 and 4
    4. both has 7 layers

  • 46 Router operates at which layer of the OSI Model.
    1. Transport layer
    2. Network layer
    3. Data Link Layer
    4. Layer 1

  • 47 If a system or user want to deliver a message to several users amongst all the users. the communication refers to ......
    1. Unicast
    2. Broadcast
    3. Multicast
    4. onlycast

  • 48 Data Link Layer deals with
    1. Packets
    2. Segments
    3. Frames
    4. Bits

  • 49 Which of the following layer is responsible for making end to end connection between two parties.
    1. Network Layer
    2. Data link Layer
    3. Transport Layer
    4. Presentation Layer

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